Saturday, June 7, 2008

It's been a minute.


Detroit wins Stanley Cup, I've been on a Toadies kick as of late, I'm thinking about times in the past that made me happy, Gabe's anniversary of his death is coming up and I'm already bummin' about it, parties galore with awkwardness, old high school friends coming into my life, Far From Finished coming to play in Grand Rapids, running around like a chicken with my head cut off, working like a retard, sweating my ass off, not knowing what I want, uh..... working on my collage rather slowly, trying to score that scholarship (keep voting), and...

that's all I got, really.
My brain is mush, I've been writing articles, and I have hardly any money to my name.

I'm frustrated but happy,
but I want to run away for awhile.
Even if it means coming back.

Oh yes, and I might be in a band.


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