Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Nonsensical Collage #5! Give me your ideas!

One thing I am notorious for making in my broken years of drawing, is the nonsensical collages. What is a nonsensical collage, you ask. A nonsensical collage is just that; a collage of which makes complete and total nonsense! It's pictures, quotes, words, lyrics, etc. all of which may or may not have a tie in with one another. All of them are done in black and white (with the exception of number 3 done as a final exam in high school; that one was done in color), and done on poster matte board.

They look like this (and some of you already know because you've been to my house or you've seen them in the past):

(I apologize for their subtle distortion; it's hard to show what I mean in their actual photobucket size, but you have an idea of what I'm talking about now.

This is where you all, as my pals and lovahs, come in! Give me your most random, off-beat, ridiculous, insightful, crazy, beautiful, eccentric, musical, lovely, dark, poetic, zany ideas! I need as many as possible without the fear of struggling to get it done.

This one will be twice as large as the two shown in this bulletin, so I'll be needing as many ideas as possible!
Spread the word! I don't care if I don't know the people you're asking for ideas from, that's all the greatness!
(and, by doing this, I'll get most of my sanity back with a great distraction)


Tommy Gun said...

walrus drag racing.

Miss Zombie Eyes said...

bwaha, good one.

Anonymous said...

fight club quotes
"stop in the name of the pinwheel!"
"if they didn't want to be lost they shouldn't have been born."
Cornel West

Miss Zombie Eyes said...

bwahaa perfect.