Tuesday, March 18, 2008

St. Patrick's Day. A recap.

Figures that I'd be doing this and I'm still mildly buzzed from the night before. What, besides green dye, do they put in green beer? I swear, I drank a pint of it and I was loopy.

Of course, I did donate yesterday and went to Dave's work and he bought me a couple drinks... that tends to buzz you up just a wee bit quicker. Nevermind the fact that I got a giant clover hat with the Miller logo plastered on it when I got there... Oh damn. I left it.

Lots of good times yesterday. Some douchebag was pissing everyone off while the bands were playing (there's always one), so I was trying to be cool with it, joke around, spit some beer on him, whatever. It's St. Patty's Day. What does he do to retaliate? He throws his full pint glass at me, soaking me from shoulders to toes.

What the fuck, man?

He then looks at me and goes, "oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it" and tries to give me a hug. Uh, no. Get the fuck away from me. Aaron, my buddy, did the guy friend thing and backed him away and put his arm around me, giving himself the title of The Pretend Boyfriend.

Dave and I had fought earlier that night, so I was twice as upset when he came up to me and asked me what the hell happened. His reaction: "I'm gonna go hit this guy." My immediate reaction was to follow him and stop him. But when I ran after him, and with everyone knowing how Dave is, there were followers. We then get in ANOTHER fight, him calling me a drama queen and overreacting and saying that he was only going to talk to this guy. Right. Wasted, and your girlfriend just dumped you and belittled you in the process and you're going to just talk to this guy for embarrassing your best friend. Okay. Whatever you say.

Of course, Tommy's reaction was to grab the guy by the collar and pushed him against the wall, telling the guy to get the fuck out. Which he did.

Lucky I had an extra shirt. A very sweet Ten Second March workshirt with a nametag on it that says Shirley (happened to have been my grandma's name).
Other than that, my tab was a whopping four bucks, and I made tearful phone calls at one in the morning (I'm so sorry if I woke you up.)


Anonymous said...

Aaahaha shit, I read about some asshole throwing a glass at you in the TSM bulletin from last night, i was liek WHAT OH HELLLLLZ NO.

Tim said...

Damn.....I'm surprised all the members of TSM and The Beat ups didn't initiate one massive beat down on the guy. Hell, if I was there me and Dynaflo would've done it.

Oh yeah, this is Jager Bomber Timmy.

P.S. Someday me and Dynaflo are going to crash your radio show.

P.P.S. you can read my blog if you want, I havn't updated it in FOREVER. But its kind of neat and interesting

Tommy Gun said...

There was going to be a massive beat down.. me (after drinking myself sober) .. decided to just throw the guy out. Because most of TSM and the Beat-Ups were behind me ready to murder the guy.

I saved that mans life.. and one day I will ask for a favor in return.