So last night I became a sport, drove in crap winter weather, all the while holding the backdoor handle since the latch was frozen and refused to shut properly... all to get an apprentice tattoo. Sarah is a good friend of mine, well, ever since I started working at the gas station of oh-so-awesome anyway. She was apprenticing at a hit or miss tattoo shop here in town, and, because of the consistent sexual harrassment she faced daily, she recently said adios and decided to tattoo out of her home. She has it set up all professional and such as well, and I trust the crap out of her. I'm a sport, and I love helping people out, so I was her guinea pig. This is what she did.

I like it, and the pinkish areas are white highlights that are waiting to peek out yet. Come on, it's roughly 12 hours old.
As soon as she started, I was in lalaland. I love getting tattooed. It makes all your stresses go away, with a constant buzz and sting of course.
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