Friday, February 29, 2008

Bar hopping

So last night, after finishing my radio show, Bram comes into the studio and says, "let's get the fuck out of the house".


We head to Juke's, only to be disappointed with the fact that it was Open Mic Night... and not an impressionable one at that. But we managed to suck down a couple of pitchers and be on our way to Mulligan's.

Let me tell you what, seeing the explosion site was pretty intense. In a way, however, and I didn't think it was funny at first, but we were talking about it at Juke's with some friends and they go, "well think of it this way, it's a bigger parking lot for Mulligan's." Astute point, sir.

I tried this fruity ale concoction that I managed to successfully forget the name of at The Meanwhile, and let me tell you, HIGH IN the alcohol level. Very tasty. I'm going to track the name down and see if I can find it in stores around here.

A good night deemed successful.

Apparently Dave had a dream last night that I got in a bare-knuckle fight with another girl and it was so real to him that he called me four times this morning to make sure I was okay. Weird. I'm still pissed off at him. But I'll speak today, I guess.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i'll bet u kicked that bitchez ass.