Sunday, January 20, 2008

So finally

It's my birthday. I'm a year older, and hopefully it'll be a year wiser. I had such a blast this weekend, and it's not even over.
Last night, I went to PsychoFest '08 (insert horror movie girl scream for ambiance) to check out some amazing bands. My friend Sean sang me wished me a happy birthday on stage, which was pretty awesome.
Of course, I got my fair share of drinking (among other things) in, so I was pretty floaty for the rest of the night. Perfect. I don't recall going to the bathroom outside, nor do I remember going to Burger King, but I do remember Sara saying that it tasted like mustard outside.
And now I'm laughing, and I'm laughing hard.
The boys from Brazil are in town (I love working for internet radio, have I stressed that yet?), so they came to the show. Broken english, but they speak very well, to my surprise. When we got back to the house, they sang me happy birthday in portugese. How frickin' awesome is that?!
I'm totally going to chill out all day 'til I get ready for Birthday Dinner... I just realized I don't have a printer to print my free entree' out. So much for being cost effective!

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