Thursday, January 17, 2008

brightness... contrast... saturation... crop...

I swear, the only thing that keeps me content in harsh weather conditions is photo editing. I finally found a program that hasn't been affected with a computer STD or so to speak, so I've been editing like cuh-razy for the past couple of weeks. I'm in the process of editing pictures from a show back in October... I doubt the bands will care for them now, but we'll see.


I just sneezed, upon reaction, into my shirt... now I feel cold. Ew. Thought you might want to know that. I don't know. I felt the need to type, so here I am.

Okay, something somewhat-- okay, pretty-- serious; I've decided to set some personal deadlines for myself. Basically, if I don't get my shit together, I'm adiosing. Not something I particularily want to do, since I love it here, but if I keep chasing my own tail in circles, I'll be digging into China... or so to speak. However that analogy goes.
I feel confident that I can kick my own self-doubt's ass and get to goin'. I don't want to move back there. No bueno. What's with me using spanish here and there?

So I call my mom the other day, since I missed her call while I was at work, just to chitchat while I was stocking the cooler, still on the clock. I work my way around things, you see. Anyhow, she informs me that she's going to be flying down to see my sister this weekend, "just because". Thanks, mom. Happy birthday to me. Not like you haven't been here to visit me since my last birthday, let alone see the new place I'm living in.
Now, it sounds a bit minor to some, but it really did break my heart and stung quite a bit. And, at first, I thought that she might have forgotten my birthday altogether, but she then adds, "of course we'll give you a call on your birthday"...
At this point, since this incident happened a few days ago, it looks as though I'm overreacting. You can't blame me for hurting a bit still though.

Enough bitching for now.

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